Proclear Toric is a monthly disposable contact lenses to correct astigmatism by leading manufacturer CooperVision.
Proclear Toric soft contact lenses are designed especially for correcting astigmatism, as they have been designed to fit comfortably and remain stable on an astigmatic eye, providing the same vision clarity you enjoyed while wearing glasses.
Proclear Toric with PC Technology™ is a available in two fittings and a wide range of prescriptions, so whether you are shortsighted or longsighted you should be able to find a Proclear Toric with PC Technology™ that's suitable for you.
CooperVision’s PC Technology™ - phosphorylcholine (PC) - which binds with water molecules in natural tears to create a “shield” of water around the contact lens.
Proclear Compatibles mimic your natural eye cells and help reduce the effects of your eyes drying out due to excessive screen time, air conditioning and other environments known to increase dry and irritable eyes, by locking in moisture to keep your eyes hydrated throughout the day.
Have you bought any contact lens solutions for your lenses?
We have a large range of All in One Solutions, Soft Lens Rewetting drops to alleviate dry eyes and convenient Multi Purpose Solution Flight Packs - perfect for your next holiday.